Tools of the Trade

In order to set yourself up for success, you need to be using the right tools.  To help you on your journey into Corporate Events, I'm sharing the tools that I use on a daily basis that helped me be as successful as I can be.

Many of these tools won't cost you a dime and some might cost you a little bit.

F I L E   O R G A N I Z A T I O N



Dropbox is where I store all my files relating to clients as well as the home for all files for our team. You can use this tool for free, but I do pay for more storage. We events people like our storage.

P R O C E S S   D O C U M E N T A T I O N

Google Drive


I can't live without Google Drive.  I share files with clients.  All our templates that have been created are all in Google Drive.  I don't pay for this either, but I do think I'll need to get some additional space soon.

E L E C T R I C   S I G N A T U R E   R E A D E R



Make it as easy as possible for your clients to sign contracts.  Corporate America understands DocuSign and we use it all the time for signing documents.  Sometimes clients send up contracts to sign and other times we are sending it to them.

C R M   S O F T W A R E



I use ActiveCampaign as my email marketing tool for list building, opt-ins and sending emails to both people on the ROAR events list and the ROAR method list.  This is a pretty robust system that I don't use to it's full capacity.    I pay a monthly fee for this software.  For those looking for a simpler solution - Mail Chimp is a great alternative.

N O T E   A P P



I come and go with Evernote.  I do like to use it when I'm researching hotels.  I have notebooks for different cities so I can go right to it if a client brings it up.  I do pay a yearly fee for this app.

P D F   R E A D E R

Adobe Acrobat Pro


Adobe Acrobat is always on.  In events, you get so many PDF's.  With having the full Adobe Creative Suite, you are able to make edits and sign documents.

S I T E   S E L E C T I O N   T O O L



I use cvent on a daily basis.  This is the main tool that I use for site selection.  I don't pay for this tool, but I do guarantee a certain number of room nights.  There is another tool that is free called cvent express

R E G I S T R A T I O N   A P P



RegFox is a low cost registration tool that I use with my clients for incentives.  This is a very easy to use tool that is very plug and play.  There really is no learning curve.  There is a minimal cost when using this tool.

G R A P H I C   D E S I G N



Canva is a simple graphic design tool that I use for simple mock-ups and designs.  I don't have the paid version, free works fine for my needs.

G R A P H I C   D E S I G N

Adobe Creative Suite


I specifically use Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop on a regular basis.  When clients are sending me logos, sometimes they need to be adjusted before we send them off to the printer.  I pay a monthly subscription to this and truly can't live without it.

S O C I A L   M E D I A

Social Curator


Sometimes you don't might feel stuck and wondering what to post.  I love Social Curator which is a monthly membership of photos and captions.  There is also some great social media education that comes with it each month.

S O C I A L   M E D I A

Social Squares


This is a monthly membership of all different types of photos.  I use these for both social media, presentations to clients and on my website.


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